Sunday, March 14, 2010

18 months (a little late)

Dear Parker,

On Thursday, you turned 18 months old. Where has the time gone? I can't believe that just 2 years ago, you were not fully part of our lives. I can't really remember life without you. :) Anyway, you had your 18 month check-up. You still hate going to the doctor. You screamed through the entire weighing and measuring process. You weigh 26 lbs, 2oz and are 331/2 inches long. You were pretty good for Dr. Hughes though. She said that you spoke really well and are doing fine. You had to get one shot, which you didn't like, but I think you were more traumatized by having to lay on the table than by the actual shot. :)

Yesterday, you got to go to the "zeum" with your friend Nancy and your mom. I had to go to musical rehearsal We also got an offer on our house yesterday. It was okay, but we made a counter offer and are hoping to hear good news today. We will see. As much as I want to move, I will be a little sad if/when we sell this house. I have lots of good memories here.

In a few hours, we will be going to the big library downtown to get your 18 month pictures taken. I'm excited but very nervous. You are hard to photograph these days! I'm sure Micah will do a great job, but I always want you to be well behaved!

When I'm playing with you, I always think, "I should write that on Parker's blog," but then I forget what it was when it comes time to write!

Cute story of the day: This morning you were watching Abby on tv and your mom was making breakfast. She sneezed and you said, "Bless You, Mom!" How funny! I didn't know that you knew when people sneezed you were supposed to say, "Bless You!" You continue to amaze me.

I need to go do homework, before we have to get you up to take a bath for your pictures!

I love you, big girl.

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