Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 3

Dear Parker,

Well, today was your third day at school. It was your first sort of full day. I was REALLY worried because you basically cried all morning and were absolutely screaming by the time we left. I was trying so hard to hold it together for you, but I wasn't as successful as I wanted to be. Luckily, you stopped crying quickly and then had a pretty good day. Tracey said that you were sad sometimes, but that you did pretty well. You ate all your lunch and even napped for 50 minutes, which I didn't think you do on the first day.

After school we had promised that we could go to the park, but you wanted to go home first to have a snack. So, we came home and then went to the park. After the park we went to dinner, thinking that we could go from there to the Ice Cream Social Back to School Night thing at your school. But, after dinner you were SO tired and said you didn't want to go, so we figured that we weren't going to push it.

All of your teachers think you are so smart. That is all they every talk about. Sometimes, it even bothers me because I don't want to hear how smart you are (I already KNOW that!) I want to know how your day went and if you made any friends and if you were well behaved. But, I suppose I don't mind hearing how wonderful you are!

I'm so proud of you for having a good day at school. I have a feeling that you will cry again tomorrow, but I hope that you end up having a good day. Next week is going to be hard on all of us, so I am very much looking forward to the weekend.

You are so amazing. Thank you for being SO strong for us.

We love you,

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