Friday, July 9, 2010

A two-fer

Dear Parker,

I didn't get to write last night because we were so busy packing for our "vacation." So, I'll do a quick re-cap of yesterday. The most important thing that happened was that we visited your school again. We tried to let you play in your classroom while we talked to the director, and you did for a few minutes, but then you got so upset that they brought you back. This did not make me feel better about the whole situation. You kept asking to go play, but you wanted us to come with you, so we did and stayed in your classroom with you for awhile. You did okay, but kept coming back to us to "check in." I'm really nervous about you going to school for so many hours a day, but it will be okay (I hope!).

Okay, on to today! We left for Grandma and Grandpa Booga's and on the way stopped at Fair Oak Farms. We tried to eat lunch first because we were all hungry, but there were so many people there and you were so excited to see the cows that you didn't eat very well. So, after we forced you to eat a couple bites of a grilled cheese, we headed over to the "attractions." We signed up for a bus tour and let you play on the indoor playground. Here you are waving at your Mom through a slice of swiss cheese.
We didn't have much time to play before the bus left (which was fine by us!) You were very excited to see the cows. This is an "artistic" photo of your family on the bus.
You really liked seeing the cows up close. The bus drives right through the barn and the cows are VERY close. After the tour, we played on the outdoor equipment for a few minutes. You tried the bouncy pillow thing, but you are still a little young and didn't like it very much. The tractor playground piece was much more your speed.
We went through the birthing barn. There was a cow currently giving birth and a mother and baby who had just been born. We didn't stay very long because you wanted "ice cream and see Grandpa Booga!" So, that is what we did.

When we made it to Grandma and Grandpa's house, you were very excited to see Grandpa. You walked all the way around the yard with him, checking out the rocks and all of Grandma's pretend animals. You also like to walk around the bricks.
When we came inside, you kept saying "Toys are?" I kept showing you the bag of toys we brought with us, but that is not what you wanted. Finally, we figured out that you wanted the toys that Grandma cleaned off for you at Christmas! I have no idea how you remembered these toys as you haven't played with them in 6 month, but you did. You had a really great time playing with the 'old school' Little People.
Since Grandma and Grandpa's house is on Central Time, you stayed up later than you are used to. You got so tired that you started running laps around the island in the kitchen singing your "ABC's" at the top of your lungs.

I always get nervous when you have to sleep away from home because you aren't normally very good at it, but *fingers crossed* you went down really easily and hopefully won't get disoriented if you wake up in the middle of the night.

We had a really good day with you, Bits. I hope tomorrow is just as good.

I love you.

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