Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Stressed on Vacation

Dear Parker,

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting like I want to. It's hard at Grandma and Grandpa Sharp's house. We have still been keeping very busy. You have been sleeping a little better, but are still taking far longer to go to sleep than I would like or than you normally do.

You have been acting pretty spoiled and tantrum-y lately. I think it's just because you are constantly around people who give you constant attention and everything you could possible want. You have, however, had your cute moments.

We were driving home tonight from our friends, Leslie and Cheryl's house and you wanted to "draw." So, you drew for awhile and then your wanted Mom to draw. Mom was creating some pretty bad renditions of various objects and animals and you were guessing them. You were doing a great job!

Yesterday, when you woke up from your nap, we were all playing outside in Grandma and Grandpa's front yard. We could hear you on the monitor, so we called up to you through your open window and you figured out how to look out the window and see us. Apparently, this had a lasting impression on you because as you were supposed to be going to sleep last night, you told me "I wake-ed up and stoop on my pillow and everybody was outside at Grandpa's house!" You were so excited. Then, when I went in to get you this morning, you wanted to look out the window because you thought everyone would be there. You brought it up again tonight. It's pretty cute, but I hope you aren't too disappointed in the morning when we aren't outside your window!

This vacation is becoming a little stressful on me, since you aren't sleeping like you normally do and I expect so (read: too) much of you. I get very stressed out when you aren't perfectly behaved in front of other people. I suppose that's my own issue, but it does affect all of us. I hope that the next couple of days are a little more laid back so that you can reset before the last leg of our journey.

I love you so much, Parker Alyse.

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