Sunday, July 18, 2010


Dear Parker,

We finally made it to Michigan. We had busy days on Friday and Saturday, so I didn't get a chance to write you a letter. We spent most of the day Friday in the car. You were a pretty good girl, but we did have to get out one of the car toys we got for you. We chose the generic etch-a-sketch and you had a fun time drawing. You also really liked to ask Mom to draw things. It was pretty funny because you would request her to draw things like "Mommy's shoes."

We finally made it to Uncle Steven's house through some really bad traffic. You didn't quite know what to think of the dogs. They were crated when we arrived and were quiet, so I set you down. Then, Ty barked and you freaked out. You don't like the big, scary dog bark. Since then, you have been ok. You just keep saying, "No, Ty!" Uncle Steven and Aunt Kimber are fostering a kitten and you LOVE it. You chase it around the house and say, "Parker hold Mr. Kitty!" It's cute. I'm hoping that we don't end up taking the kitten home. :)

Yesterday, we got up early (ok, you got up early) and we headed to Grandma's. Grandma had cleaned up some old toys and you had a good time playing with those. Then, Aunt Stacy took you outside and you played with a big, red ball and jumped on the trampoline! I wasn't sure that you would like it, but you did. You discovered how to crawl on the piano bench and get down by yourself, so you spent about 10 minute just doing a circuit of up and down. We timed you: 26 seconds. Still some room to improve. ;) We had to take a pause to run to a party for one of Mommy's friends. There were a couple of small babies there and you loved cuddling and "holding" them. You also loved playing with their toys. :)

We came back to Grandma's, had dinner and then went back to Uncle Steven's. You had a really hard time going to sleep. Mommy wasn't being very patient with you and I'm sorry. Luckily, Mom came in and saved the day. I'm sorry I'm not always the best Mommy, but I'm so grateful that you are so forgiving.

I love you. I had to go get your things around so we can go back to Grandma's.

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