Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fashion Sense

Dear Parker,

This morning you had to go to the doctor with Mommy. I just needed to get some blood drawn, so it seemed easier to take you to that then for you to go with your Mom to the eye doctor. You were SUCH a good girl. You just sat on my lap in the waiting room and then sat in the chair quietly while they took my blood. For the rest of the afternoon though you kept saying, "They take Mommy's blood." It was pretty funny, but I'm sure if someone on the street heard it, they would think it was a little strange. :)

You have been full of funny things today. This afternoon, you ran up to your Mom screaming "Nononononononono!" She asked you what was wrong and you put your hand on her leg and said, "I no like these pants!" Bahahaha! That's pretty funny, baby girl.

We did a little pre-vacation shopping after your (late) nap and you were such a good girl in the Kohl's. You walked by yourself, but didn't run away. You looked at the stuffed animals and books by the check-out, but didn't touch. You started off being a very good girl in the Wal-Mart as well. But, when we got to the check-out, you were very disturbed that we changed lanes and you didn't want to put our things on the counter we had changed to. You had a meltdown, so I had to take you to have a time-out in the Wal-Mart. I think it was only the 4th time-out of your life, so I guess you doing pretty well, all things considered.

We went to dinner after (since we don't really have any food, but aren't planning on buying any because we leave the day after tomorrow!). You were so funny (again!) We walked out of the restaurant and you said, "It's too bright!" and covered your eyes with your hands. You then proceeded to walk all the way to the car like that!

You brighten my days, Bits. You always help me to put my life in perspective.

I love you,

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to add that at dinner, your Mom and I got a deal that included a dessert (that we were going to share with you) but we had to order it. I asked for a brownie and you said, to the waitress, "I need a brownie too!" HA HA HA!!!! You are so funny. I love you.
