Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fun with (second) cousins

Dear Parker,

Yesterday we drove to Forreston to your Great-Aunt Doris's house to visit with your Grandma's family and to have a shower for your Mom's cousin's girlfriend, Erin. You were pretty cranky because you didn't really nap in the car, but you had a really good time playing with your second cousins.

Here you are playing ball with Taylor, who is 4.
You and Reese, who is about a month younger than you.
These are all the second cousins. It's not a great photo (except of Madison), but it's the only one where all 4 of you are looking at the camera! So, from L to R...Taylor Tornow, Reese Tornow, you, Madison Aldrich.
After Taylor and Reese left, you and Madison played together for a long time. Maddy had brought her toys in a giant purple tub and you both thought it was super fun to sit in the tub and play with toys. Here you are reading a book.
Right before bed, you and Maddy both got in the tub and were talking and playing with your balloons. It was pretty cute.

You went to sleep really easily and slept really well. (And woke up in a much better mood, thank goodness!)

This morning, we visited the cemetery where your Great-Grandparents are buried. You were very sweet and concerned about Grandma and Mom. You also picked some "flowers" and laid them on the grave.

We just got back to Grandma and Grandpa's house and you are playing with the 'old school' Little People.

Hopefully, tomorrow won't be very exciting, but we are planning to go to the Brookfield Zoo on Tuesday, so that will be a big day for you!

I love you, Parker

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