Thursday, January 21, 2010


Dear Parker,

There are many things for which I am proud of you; here is the most recent. Before you were a year old, we took most of your bottles away. We did it slowly and one at a time. The week before your birthday we were left with your bedtime bottle. Then you got sick. We didn't want to try to take away what we thought would be the hardest bottle (for both you and us) when you already didn't feel good and were cranky. Then, you just didn't get better until right before Christmas. We were doing lots of traveling and you were on a strange schedule. We didn't feel that would be the right time either.

At the beginning of January, we started giving you less and less in the bottle, thinking we would wean you off slowly. When we got down to 2 oz, you had a fit. I was very nervous for what no bottle would look like. But, it had to be done. You are a big girl. So, we didn't give you a bottle last night. You asked for it. We said there was no bottle. You pouted and looked like you were going to cry - real sad tears, not tantrum tears. We told you that you were a big girl and that big girls went to sleep without bottles. You stopped pouting, said, "ok" and laid your head down. I was shocked. You didn't even ask tonight.

You are such an amazing little girl. I'm so proud of you- and I'm kind of sad that my baby is gone.

I love you,

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