Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Procrastination hello

Dear Parker,

I should be prepping for my classes, but I just can't get in the right mindset, so I thought I would write you a letter about the things you have been doing lately.

Aside from trying to use the potty (which has been moderately successful so far - you potty about twice a day), you currently love, Love, LOVE books. You have always been a fan of books. When you were 10 months old, we had to take all the books out of your sight when you were going to bed because you would be so distracted by them. Now, you will find a book, toddle over - hand it to me (saying tank you) and then say "lap." We will read the book and you will repeat the process - for hours. I love that you love to read.

As aforementioned, you say "thank you" regularly. You will say it when you hand us something (as in thank you for taking this) or when we hand you something (as in thank you for my milk.) I think that is awesome. You are saying so many new things - everyday. I tried to make a list for you but I keep forgetting things - butter, chew, later, morning. It seems like you repeat everything we say!

Okay baby girl, I have to actually go do work now. I hope you are having a good day with your Aunt Lauren. We have to go to a basketball game tonight that will keep you out past your bedtime; I hope you do well.

I love you,

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