Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Break!

Dear Parker,

I think I start all posts this way, but there have been so many times in the past few weeks when I thought - I should really write Parker a blog about this - but I just haven't.  So, I'm going to try to catch up.

It's Christmas Break!  Finally.  It felt like it would never come.  We decided to kick off the vacation with potty training.  All of your teachers at school have been telling us you are ready, so we decided to try.  Yesterday was pretty much a disaster.  You peed through about 6 outfits.  And only once did you tell us that you had to go.  Sigh.  I thought it would go much better.  To top all of this off, you were extremely whiny and clingy and, in general, driving me nuts.  Then, after you went to bed, you started crying that your ears hurt.  Apparently, that was the issue.

So far, today has gone better.  We haven't (yet) had any accidents, but you also haven't asked to sit on the potty.  You have (mostly) been listening better and have been peeing when we asked you to.  So, I guess that's a start.  You love wearing your underpants.  Right now, you are napping in your shirt, pull-up, underwear (OVER the pull-up), socks and shoes.  That's right - socks and shoes, but not pants.  I'm not going to fight over silly things like that.

You have been in a hilarious mood today.  You do this little thing with your hands when you are talking very emphatically - you sort of cross your middle two fingers and then move your hand up and down.  It's funny because you are saying things like, "I no take a bath.  It's too late!"  or, "I already told you!  I called the doctor."  This morning, you kept calling the doctor and telling her that you weren't wearing any pants!

You got a Candyland game for early Christmas and you love playing it.  You understand how to move, but you don't really get the competition part - plus you only really ever want to draw the cards with the pictures - the gumdrop specifically!

You are VERY into your babies lately.  I don't know if I have written about this, but in the past few weeks we have had to start letting the babies go potty, changing their clothes, doing their (non-existent) hair and feeding them meals.  Your only request of Santa was "babies."  Hopefully, he will be able to oblige.

I know there must be a million things that I'm forgetting to write.  It's one of my goals to actually write a post a day for you over break, so we will see if I can do that!

I love you, Parker.

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