Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sappiest Ever

Dear Parker,

It's 5:42 in the morning.  You have slept like a champ since you are now back in your own bed.  I have not.  I can't stop thinking and my throat hurts really badly.  So, I thought I would jot down a quick memory that still brings happy tears to my eyes.

A few days before Christmas we all watched "The Polar Express" together.  I was a little worried that you wouldn't understand it or would be a little afraid in parts, but I think that neither was true.  The first time through you were mostly concerned about the little boy losing his ticket, but since then you have watched it two more times.

You are so filled with wonder whenever you watch it.  Near the end when Santa appears and the boy can't see - you stand up on the couch and crane your head this way and that way - genuninely upset that you can't see as well and then when you do SEE Santa, your face lights up with such wonder.  I never want to forget the wonder I see in your eyes.  When the boy hears the bell ring for the first time and when Santa leaves the lost bell under the tree, the same thing happens.

It's absolutely amazing to see the world through you eyes, baby.  I hope that you don't lose that sense of wonders for a long time.  I know that this meager blog entry does not even come close to the look on your face, but I hope it triggers my memory so that I remember the look in your eyes when you were 2 years old.

I love you, baby.  Break is coming to an end and it make me very sad - but I'm trying to focus on the amazing times we have had.  You are the most wonderful thing ever.  I'm so lucky to be blessed with such an amazing child.


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