Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas at the Zoo

Dear Parker,

I think the good thing about this break is that the days have been feeling really long.  I think that will change once we start visiting with family, but right now, I feel like I'm getting my vacation's worth out of the days.  I'm guessing this is mostly because you are getting up really early and not napping for very long!

Today, we made sugar cookies and you helped frost them.  You mostly liked to stick your fingers in the frosting and put sprinkles on the cookies (by the handful!)  For awhile this afternoon, you were absolutely crazy just running around like a psycho.  It was so hilarious.

Tonight, we went to Christmas at the Zoo with Uncle Stu and Aunt Lauren.  It was fun, but much busier and colder than last year, so we didn't stay very long.  You peeked at Santa, but didn't want to sit on his lap.  You did make (and eat) a cookie and you liked looking at the lights, but you were mostly hungry and wanted to go to dinner.  So, we did. :)  You were good and pretty cute throughout the whole thing!

Potty training is still going well - we still haven't really had any accidents since the first day.  It's harder when we go out - you did go in your pull-up while we were gone, but you also went in a public bathroom at the restaurant.  I think that in a week or two, you will be good to go!

I can't believe what a big girl you are becoming.  As we were driving home tonight, you said, "I will get bigger and bigger and then mow and shovel."  It's so cute that you understand that you will grow and that you want to help us out by doing chores.  (I have mostly documented this so when you are 14 and I want you to do these things, I can quote you!)

Anyway, hopefully tomorrow we can go to the Children's Museum and I can con you into sitting on Santa's lap.  (Fingers crossed!)

I love you so much.  I can't wait for Christmas!!!!!!!

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