Sunday, September 12, 2010

2nd Birthday

Dear Parker,

Yesterday was your 2nd birthday. Time is going by so fast. When given a choice between going to the zoo and the Children's Museum, you chose to the museum. So, that's where we headed in the morning. You wanted to see the dinosaurs first. Really, you like playing with the dinosaur eggs, but are not so much a fan of the actual dinosaurs. After you finish with the eggs, then we always have to go see the Chinese dragons, which you think are great.
You did many new things on this trip to the museum. You sat in the racecar for the first time.
You also enjoyed some old standbys - playing in the water and with the sand in playscape.
We ventured into the Dow Science area. I'm not sure why we haven't gone in there before - other than perhaps you usually poop out too soon. You LOVED it. We had to bribe you out because it was getting so late and we knew you needed a nap.
On the way out, in honor of your birthday, we let you choose a toy from the gift shop. You like many things and in the end, we gave you a choice between a pink "ugly doll" (really just a funny shaped stuffed animal) and a Nerf football. You originally chose the pink "ugly doll." Then, as we were standing in line, you said. "I want the football!" So, we switched and you seemed very happy with your choice.

We came home and you took a nap while I ran to the store and made your pink cake. When you got up we played for a bit while your Mom wrapped your presents. Then, we opened presents. You are a PRO at presents now, bits. You didn't need any help and you even politely opened the card first. In addition to the tricycle we gave you last weekend, we gave you some books, pjs, socks and play jewelry, which you loved. You put everything on at once!
Then we had cake (yes before dinner!) You sang Happy Birthday to yourself when we sang to you and you and your Mom blew out the candles. You requested a "pink" cake, so that's what you got.
While we were eating cake, we asked you what you wanted for dinner. You said that Mom and I should eat salad and that you would have more cake! Too funny. Later in the we walked to the park. You walked almost the entire way there. You are much more adventurous at the park than you used to be. You swung and slid and didn't want to go home, but it was getting late.

Clearly, you were getting tired. We need to take you to the park more often.
I'm sorry that I have to work right now, Bits. I don't feel like we have enough time to do fun things with you. I wish I could take you to the park every day. I need to do a better job of doing that on the weekend. I love you so much and am so proud of the little girl you are becoming. I hope you had a great birthday.

Love you always,

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