Monday, June 28, 2010


Dear Parker,

Saturday, you spent the night with your Nancy and Chuck while your Moms went out to celebrate Mom's birthday. We had a great time, but when you came back, you had a runny nose. Last night was really rough. You started to meltdown around 6:30, so we decided to put you to bed. You cried (not tantrummed) the whole time. You just wanted me to hold you. After surviving the bath, you asked me to rock you before bed. We haven't rocked to sleep in quite a while, but you were so pathetic, that I obliged you. You slept pretty fitfully the whole night. You would whimper and pathetically cry out in your sleep. We could hear you choking on your mucus. It was sad. You are still pretty gross this morning, but you are in better spirits (probably because you aren't as tired.) I hope you get feeling better soon. There are lots of things we want to do before we leave.

I'm going to try to blog a little bit about your day every night - even if it isn't very interesting. So, I guess I will "see" you tonight.

Love you,

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