Friday, June 4, 2010

Random Parker Stories

Dear Parker,

There have been so many things lately that I've wanted to tell you. You are growing up so fast. I was watching you sleep last night and wondered if I am every going to stop thinking that you are the most miraculous thing in the entire world.

You have been so funny lately. You speak in 4 or 5 word sentences almost all the time and end up saying some of the most hilarious things. We were walking to the park yesterday and you tripped. You said, "I tripped a little, Mommy."

We were driving to dinner tonight after an open house and you kept saying that you wanted to go to Red Robin. We didn't really want to so we told you it was closed (perhaps not the best parenting technique, but whatever) and you replied "maybe open?"

You play this game with your Mom where she will say "No" in a really low voice and you will reply "yeah" in a really high voice - then you switch. You will play for a really long time!

You also like to say "hi" to everyone and you like for Mommy and Mom to repeat the greeting in whatever manner it was given. For example, if you say "Hi Mum!" in a low voice, you like for Mom to say, "Hi Parker!" in a low voice. You try out different voices, lengths of words and inflections. This is another car game you could play forever.

I took you swimming this morning and you had such a good time. You kept trying to escape from my grasp and swim "Parker self" - except you can't. You didn't understand that. You also kept trying to drink the water. (GROSS!) When we got in the car, I asked if you liked swimming and you said, "I drink it a little, Mommy." :)

Lately, you have been very aware of other people's actions and feelings. Two of your most common questions are, "What you doing, Mommy (or Mom)?" and "What's wrong, Mommy (or Mom)?"

You are also very sensitive. You knocked over a little bit of pop left in a can on our table and you started crying like you had just killed the cat. lol

One of my favorite things about you right now is that you will request hugs and, specifically "family hugs." They really are the best.

At night, I will give you a kiss and you will keep asking for, "more." When I finally tell you it's the last one and give it to you, you ALWAYS say, "Thank you, Mommy."

We took you to LOTS of graduation parties yesterday. You are so funny because you love your big kid friends so much. You always said hi and bye to each individual kid.

Okay, I suppose those are enough for now. You are such an amazing child. I love you so much.


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