Thursday, June 17, 2010

Getting Adventurous

Dear Parker,

You have always been a pretty cautious kid. For the most part, you don't like to venture out into the world without your Moms. You have never been a fan of sliding or do anything that might be considered remotely dangerous.

However, lately you have been getting better. Yesterday, we went to the park and you played on equipment with other kids and only looked at us a couple times. AND you went down 2 different slides more than once! You liked it! When you got to the bottom, you said, "I did it!" You were so proud of yourself.

This morning, we went to the pool. You love the water. You kept asking us to let you go (which we did NOT do!). You saw some other kids jumping in and you wanted to do it too. So, you did. You would stand on the edge and yell, "One, Two, Three!" then jump into our arms. Well, really, it was a fall because you can't jump yet. But, you weren't afraid. You also floated around in your little raft (which is getting way to small, by the way) and kept asking Mom to "swim the ocean." (She would swim under you.) We had such a good time.

I didn't bring the camera because we were both in the water, but before the summer is out I will have to get some pictures because you are way TOO cute!

I love you baby girl!

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