Thursday, February 11, 2010


Dear Parker,

I feel like you have been getting the short end of the Mommy stick lately. I just have too much going on. I feel like I never see you for more than a couple of hours and then I have to run off. I was really looking forward to spending time with you this weekend, but now I have to write this stupid paper. I'm hoping that I can just work really hard on it Saturday and get it done, so that we can spend all day Sunday and Monday together. I'm sorry that we aren't getting enough time together right now.

You are wonderful, you just go with the flow. I'm hoping that you won't remember the time when you never saw your Mommy. (And I'm hoping that it doesn't become a pattern!)

You are waking up, so I will go get you so that we can play for a couple hours before I have to leave again.

You are amazing and I love you,

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