Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A (mostly) good night

Dear Parker,

Tonight was so good. I got home late since their was a bad accident on the expressway. You greeted me with a big hug and then asked me to "play markers" with you until dinner. So, we did. You ate a good dinner and were so hilarious. You kept saying, "How was your day?" We would keep saying things like, "good" or "fine," but this did not appease you. You wanted us tell you stories about our days. You would keep saying, "yeah" or "ok" during the stories. Then, you randomly reached out, shook our hands and said, "pleased to meet you!"

After dinner, we colored some more and then you went upstairs. You asked us to come up and you began making us food. You insisted that we all sit on the floor and gave us each matching plates, cup and silverware. Your Mom asked for more food. (I had a plateful and you had a few things. She only had a potato.) You said, "No. You have potato." Then, you randomly started playing with your Little People. You would imitate all the noises and sounds that the vehicles made. The funnies thing of the night though, was when you got out your stamps and started stamping all over your body. We even let you take your shirt off and stamp on you belly. You thought you were hilarious. Then, you ran around in only your shorts and started calling Mrs. Lockwood on the phone, which I always think is funny. "Hello, Mrs. Lockwood? This is Mrs. Silly Baby!" Sometimes, you would sing her the alphabet.

It was a really good night. Of course, you then didn't want to go to sleep, but that's a different story and I think I would rather focus on the great times I had with you before that!

I love you so much, Parker Alyse.

You are amazing.

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