Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"What's That?"

Dear Parker,

Sorry this is a day late, but I didn't have much time last night to write. So, we'll just do it this morning. :) Yesterday, you were kind of sick, but not too horrible. You did however, keep running around saying, "I'm sick!" (I think that means you aren't too bad!) Your big kid friend, Maggie, came over to bring Mom her birthday present and hang out with you while Mommy started painting the bedroom. By that time, you had started to get kind of crabby (from being sick I think) and it wasn't so successful. I was still on the first wall, when you came in and wanted to watch. Maggie went home and you watched for a few minutes, but I could sense impending doom as you started to explore things near the paint! So, I stopped.

We played outside for awhile. You had been storing some rocks in the drawer of the table on the porch (which I didn't know) and you spent a great deal of time playing with them. You liked to drop them through an opening on your little chair and then pick them up again. I don't know why I buy you toys!

Lately, you have been saying "What's that?" quite a bit. The thing is, baby girl, that you most often know what you are pointing at, but we oblige you anyway. So, we were reading one of your bedtime stories last night ("Once Upon A Potty - not one of Mommy's favorites, but we are trying in vain to get you interested in the potty. You love the book, but don't want to sit on the potty. Sigh.) and you kept asking "What's that?" So, I would have to respond, "That's Prudence's pee, that's Prudence's poop etc." Your Mom and I were cracking up by the time it was done!

Alright, kiddo. I'll "talk" to you later.
I love you,

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