Monday, May 9, 2011

Delinquent Mommy

Dear Parker,

I have been a bad mommy lately.  I haven’t been writing down the amazing things that you do or say.  It’s just been recently that I’ve even been able to spend time with you – and you know it.  You get upset if I leave the room and anytime someone comes over, you ask if we are going to stay with you.  You think everyone is a babysitter.  Drop-offs at school have not been fabulous, but have been getting better.  Today, Miss Jackie wasn’t there so I had to bribe you with going to the park after school to get you to not cry when I left.  I’m not sure it was my finest parenting moment, but I didn’t want you to be upset.  I think you do better when you aren’t.  I REALLY hope that the rain stays away so that we can go to the park this afternoon.  I had so much fun with you over the weekend – even though you can throw quite the tantrum lately – playing on the deck with you.  We were both laughing so hard.  You were trying to use a bubble pipe.  I filled it with bubbles for you, but you accidentally sucked instead of blowing.  You pulled it out of your mouth and looked like you were foaming!  We both started laughing.   I went in to get you a drink of water and when I handed it to you, you accidentally dropped it and spilled it everywhere.  Then, we were REALLY laughing.  It was so fun.  Grandma came over in the afternoon and we drew with chalk and your “rode” your bike and we went for a walk.  You love going for walks.  I think maybe, this summer, after your bath we could take you for a walk in your wagon.  I think you would like that.  Okay, well, now I’m rambling.  

I love you so much Parker.  I will try to write more soon.


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