Friday, September 9, 2011

You take the good, you take the bad...

Dear Parker,

The last couple of days have really been a struggle.  Yesterday, you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, so to speak.  You started screaming and throwing fits from the moment you woke up and continued until the time you went to bed - which was, as usual, a struggle.  It was incredibly frustrating.  I'm not a patient person and I know I don't deal well with you when you get like this, so that's something I need to work on.  I hope you help me out and get better.  Today WAS better - until bedtime.  You just don't listen in the bath and then basically refuse to go to bed.  It's just a really trying experience.  I hope this all passes soon.

On the bright side, you have been doing well at school.  Today, you were the only one of the kids in your class to correctly identify your letter of the week (E).  And you brought home a paper where you were supposed to circle all the "E's."  You circled them all, but also caught a "J!" Tonight, when you weren't going to sleep you kept telling me all the things you were going to tell Miss Chelsea when you go back to school on Monday. Then, when you had to go potty (after you were in bed of course),  we had a great time talking about the letters on my shirt.  You identified them all.  You're getting really good at letters!  You kept asking me what letter your friends' and teachers' names started with.  You got confused when I said that both Cassy and Chelsea started with "C."

The rest of your birthday present from Aunt Stacy came - a cash register.  You love it SO much.  You make us push the shopping cart around and then bring you the items to "check out."  We never give you money, but we always get change!  I wish real shopping was like that!  You also like to run the credit card.  At the end we have to put our items in our bags.  It's pretty funny.

So, I guess this is the best of times and the worst of times.

But, even in the worst of times, I love you more than you will ever understand (well, at least until you have a kid yourself.)  You are the most amazing little girl and I'm so proud of how you are learning right now.  Hopefully soon, I can be extra proud of your behavior as well!

I love you,

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