Monday, August 23, 2010

"Doin' Stuff"

Dear Parker,

You have been so funny lately and I have been doing a bad job about keeping track of all of these memorable moments. So, in true "I'm behind" fashion, here's a list of what's been making me laugh lately.

*Friday night at dinner, you turned to me and said, "Mommy, how was your day? At School?" Then, as I told you a little about lunch duty, you kept nodding and saying, "yeah, yeah" as if you truly understood the joys of lunch duty.

*Lately, you've been saying that you are "doing stuff." When we ask what you are doing, you will sometimes say, "I'm doin' cloths." We aren't quite sure what that means, but it seems to entertain you.

*Today, when we asked what you were doing, you told us that you were "doing centers" and "filling out my daily," both things that happen at school! Yea! Maybe you are starting to like it a little.

*We've started singing "Skidamarink" at night before you go to bed. It started out with just you and your Mom, but I hijacked it and now sing along too. It's so cute and fun and I hope we do it for a long time!

*The other day I was cleaning the kitchen and you and your Mom were dancing in the living room. It was so sweet and made me fall in love with both of you all over again.

*You have taken to carrying around a pen. You call it your pencil and love drawing with it and pretending that you are doing serious work.

*Almost every night at dinner, you make us all hold hands and sing the "ABCs." We aren't quite sure why this has to happen, but you seem to love it, so we do it!

*You have been very into the cats lately. You will often proclaim "I'm chasing Kitty Alexx!" Along those same lines, you sometimes are a little aggressive with the cats. I think this is partly because Alexx is small enough for you to move, but you do not hesitate to move him where you want him. This has not translated to the other cats. None of them like it so much and we are working with you so that you do not abuse the kitties any more than is necessary!

I love you so much, Bits. I'm so excited for you birthday!
Love you,

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