Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 1 with Aunt Stacy

Dear Parker,
Today was the first full day that you Aunt Stacy was here visiting with us. You had a blast. You only napped for 30 minutes, so you were pretty tired and cranky the whole day, but you still had fun. After lunch, we went to the Noblesville park. You went down the slide several times (and even once completely by yourself, even though that was an accident on your part!)
Aunt Stacy gave you a piggy back ride and you "hid" behind trees and then popped out to surprise us! You thought it was hilarious!
We came home and you played upstairs with Aunt Stacy for awhile and then she took you on a walk in the wagon. Stacy said that as you were walking, you asked to go to the park. She told you that she didn't know where the park was. You said, "You go round and round and then..." She repeated that she didn't know where the park was and you repeated your "directions." Finally, you got frustrated and told her to "just keep pulling!" You are so funny!

For dinner we had corn on the cob and you actually decided to eat yours off the cob this time!
While your Moms were cleaning up, you went upstairs to play with Aunt Stacy. She decided to braid your hair. It was really cute. I need to learn how to do it since your hair can get so crazy.
It made you look so old though! I'm not ready for you to be so grown up!!!!!
You continued to play with Aunt Stacy while we hung the pictures in our bedroom, then we all played together. You kept giving Stacy things to put in her pocket (even things that wouldn't fit!) It was funny. You found your echo mic and started singing and talking into it. At one point, you introduced yourself and "Mrs. Silly Baby." Too funny.
You're so amazing, kiddo. I love you and am looking forward to tomorrow.
Love you,

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